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Steam Locomotive Roster #1


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Steam Locomotives

Steam Locomotive Diagrams

Loco#    Wheel Arr.   Class        Builder and Number     Build date      Comments
1st #1       4-6-0            ?             Baldwin         ?            1896           Retired 1906. **
2th #1      2-8-0     10-36E-1094     Baldwin     29136         9/1906        Retired in 1953. *
1st #2      4-6-0             ?                   ?               ?              ?             Purch 1898,  
                                                                                                        Retired 1907. **       
2th #2      2-8-0     10-36E-1094     Baldwin     36275         3/1911        Orig RF RR #102
                                                                                                        Purch 1920
                                                                                                        Retired 1953. *
1st #3           ?          ?                     ?                 ?               ?           Purch 1900,
                                                                                                        Retired 1907. **
2th #3      2-8-0     10-36E-1094     Baldwin     32469        12/1907       Retired in 1953. *
#4            2-8-0     10-36E-1094     Baldwin     22001        4/1903        Orig Stonega Coal
                                                                                                        and Coke #4,
                                                                                                        Purch 1907,
                                                                                                        Retired 1953. *
1st #5      4-8-0              ?              Alco          ?                  ?             Purch 1907,
                                                                                                        Retired 1920.  * 
2th #5      2-8-0     10-44E-249-251 Baldwin    53097         4/1920         Sold to WC&C as 
                                                                                                         #5 ?   1954.  *
1st #6      4-6-0          ?                  PCC&StL     ?                ?             Purch 1912,
                                                                                                        Retired 1916. **
2nd #6     2-8-0     10-44e-249-251 Baldwin    42693         9/1916         Retired 1953. *
#7            2-8-0     10-44E-249-251 Baldwin    42694         12/1916       Retired 1953. *
#8            2-8-0     10-44E-249-251 Baldwin    42695         12/1916       Retired 1953. *
1st #9       4-4-2              ?            Baldwin         ?           1916           Retired 1939. **
2nd #9      2-8-0       H-10-S           Brooks       52498        2/1913        Formerly PRR
                                                                                                         #9434.  Purch 8/1941,
                                                                                                         Retired 1953. *
1st #10      0-6-0          ?                Baldwin         ?                ?            Pur. 1917
                                                                                                          Retired 1925. **
2nd #10    0-6-0     6-38-D              Baldwin    48955         6/1918         Formerly IRR
                                                                                                         #11, Retired 1950.   *
#11           See 2nd #10  renumbered to 10. **
#12           0-6-0       ?                     Baldwin        ?                ?            Purch. 1915,
                                                                                                          Retired 1925. **
#14          2-8-2      L-1S                 PRR - ALT  3135         1914            Formerly PRR
                                                                                                         #266, Purch 12/1948, 
                                                                                                         Retired 1954. *
#15          2-8-2      L-1S                Baldwin     42936        1916            Formerly PRR
                                                                                                         #1626, Purch 12/1948,
                                                                                                         Retired 1954. *
#20          2-8-8-2                          Brooks       64996         1925           Retired 1954. *
#21          2-8-8-2                          Brooks       65997         1925           Retired 1954. *
#22          2-6-6-2   N&W Z-1A       Schen        55589          3/1916        Former N&W
                                                                                                          #1434, Purch 1937,
                                                                                                          Retired 1952. *
#23          2-6-6-2   N&W Z-1A       Richmond  51476          1912           Former N&W
                                                                                                          #1322, Purch 8/1945,
                                                                                                          Retired 1952. *
#24          2-6-6-2   N&W Z-1A       Schen        55581          1916           Former N&W
                                                                                                         #1426,  Purch 12/1945,
                                                                                                         Retired 1952. *
#25          2-8-0      Ks-3 2500           Richmond 66903          1926         Former SRR
                                                                                                          #2500, Purch 7/1952,
                                                                                                          Retired 1955. *
#26          2-8-0      Ks-3 2500           Richmond 66906          1926         Former SRR
                                                                                                         #2503, Purch 7/1952,
                                                                                                         Retired 1955. *
#27          2-8-0      Ks-3 2500           Richmond 66908          1926         Former SRR
                                                                                                          #2505, Purch 7/1952,
                                                                                                         Retired 1955. *
#28          2-8-0      Ks-3 2500           Richmond 66912          1926         Former SRR
                                                                                                          #2509, Purch 7/1952,
                                                                                                          Retired 1955. *

Notes on #25-28
These ex-Southern Railway units were part of the Ks-3 series.  The driving wheels were 53 inches.  The pilot wheels were 33 inches and the tender wheels were also 33 inches.  They had 54200 lbs. of tractive power. 

All the steam engines were black with red window sashes.  Most had gold numbers and letters.  The Mallets had a red numberboard on the side of the cab with white numbers and a red numberboard on the pilot. 

Note       **  From Ed Wolfe's Interstate Book.
                      *    From Alan Stanley.
  Thanks to both gentlemen for the information.