This website was put together so there would be one place to go and find general information on the INTERSTATE RAILROAD. It isn't meant to replace any of the books listed in the reference section. I would highly recommend that anyone modeling or studying this railroad, find the 3 books by Ed and Hugh Wolfe. Also the Paul Withers' book is a great reference book for the Southern Railway modeler and railfan.
I got hooked on the Interstate Railroad when I found the roadname in a set of Micro-Scale N-scale Southern Railroad decals. I was lettering another locomotive and when the Atlas RS-3 came out I knew that I would letter it in Southern colors and Interstate lettering. At that time, the only information I could find on the railroad was in an Railroad atlas. It only showed the rail lines and where they went. It wasn't until Ed Wolfe wrote his book, that I really found out more detail on the line.
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